Sunday, January 15, 2023


 Shizuo is an imposing young man, often seen wearing his trademark bartender suit and blue sunglasses. In his youth, he wore brown hair, however he later dyes his hair blonde, as suggested by Tom Tanaka in middle school. He is regarded by a variety of characters to be a good-looking man who is akin to actor Yuuhei Hanejima, who is actually his younger brother Kasuka Heiwajima.Shizuo is presented to viewers in the initial few episodes as a violent, no-nonsense tough guy, at the same level as the most dangerous characters like Izaya Orihara and Simon Brezhnev. It is also suggested that the majority times the character is calm and unassuming, simply taking Tom in the bodyguard role of his. Shizuo isn't a lover of violence, and is unsure about his power. However, he is known to have an uncontrollable temper and his body "acts alone" when it is angry. He fights with amazing power and his body reacts quickly to anger. This erratic nature is the reason Masaomi Kida cautions Mikado Ryuugamine to stay away from him, along with Izaya as well as the Dollars, telling him to 'not hesitate to run from him' in the manga.eternal hell" which was the result of the power of his body. He believed that it was just a manifestation of his own anger, and thus what he deserved.

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